News & Information:

Wow, what a wild rush it's been over the July 4th holiday! How was yours? :3
I've been mostly working on commissions and taking care of that. But I did at least keep busy and go back and revise some of the previous pages to make sure they were on par with how page 9 was. Now they're a lot larger and hopefully to scale as normal, for clarity. Total gaffe on my part since it's so weird getting back to KUWT again after six months, amirite? XD
If you missed the July 4th picture from me featuring Vinnie and Bev, just turn back one page. :3 Until then (along with a fixed Svenn's ear, haha), we've got a brand new page featuring... the most shippable kiss ever, haha. XD Thse two. <3
Sadly it's the weekend, but we'll see more next week! I hope Patrick's not pissed at these two...!
-- - deviantArt archive - for the casual reader (archive no. 2) - about KUWT, my artist's website if you will - official website!
2016-07-07 05:01:43 
Nooo I love Funday I wanna kiss her xD
2016-07-07 05:12:59 
We all do. <3
2016-07-08 07:43:12 
Awww~ poor Funday... Now you're just making my heart break more! D:
2016-07-08 08:01:50 
Don't make me cry toooooo!!! ; w ;